Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Burrowing Owls are Endangered!

These are one of the most smallest owls in North America!
They are very active in the day!
The owls like to eat grasshoppers and beetles, also they eat small animals such as mice and moles around late spring.
These owls  "make a tremulous chuckling or chattering call." 
Burrowing Owls often nest in loose colonies.
Baby Burrowing owls can fly well at 6 weeks old
They are endangered! less than 10,000
source:                   Watch Protecting the Burrowing owls!!

Where will they go?

This land is for sale. The woods will probably be cut down and houses will cover this land once its sold. All the animals will no longer live there because their habitat was destroyed. The deer will have no where to go; they will have to find another place to live, but they might have to cross a street to there; and they might get hit by a car, you could be in that car. Don't blame the deer because it wasn't their fault their home got cut down! What if there was owls in that forest, like the book Hoot, but only they were very endangered owls that lived in the trees, they would have no where to go once there home was cut down. Let nature be!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Ways YOU Can Help the Environment

Here are some ways you could help the environment 
  • turn off the lights, computers, fans, etc. when you are not using them.
  • recycle!
  • Walk to where you are going
  • Plant trees, flowers, and plants around your home!
  • Don't leave the water running when not in use!
  • Use a reusable water bottle instead of plastic
  • donate to charity 
  • Use rechargeable batteries 

Help Endangered Animals Around New York

Some endangered animals in New York and why they are endangered. Source:
  • Karner Blue Butterflies: These butterflies are endangered because of land development. 
  • Ozark Cave fish: These fish are endangered because of water pollution, and destruction of habitat 

  • Lake Erie Water Snake: This water snake is endangered because humans are killing them and because of habitat loss.

  • Gray Bat: This bat is endangered because of human disturbance and habitat loss

take note: These are not the only animals endangered in New York.

  • Leedy's Roseroot is threatened. This is because of habitat distruction, and human activities.
Plants are endangered too!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Recycling and Planting All In One

We wanted to help the enviorment by planting flowers. So we decided to use finished milk cartons and pop bottles as pots. Here are some pictures of our projects.